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Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Chiriac Coralina

Co-founder of the Romanian Association of Integrative Psychotherapy


Professional Experience: 
Specialized Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Supervisor, Integrative Trainer (CPR, ECIP)

Facilitator Somatic Experiencing – Certified Somatic Experiencing Facilitator
Certified TRE® (Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises) Facilitator

Member of The Romanian Psychotherapy Federation (FRP)

Education and Training:

2021: Somatic Experiencing® Training; trainer: Liane Pinto, www.traumahealing.org

2020: Doctoral studies in psychology, University of Bucharest – School of Psychology and Education Sciences

2018: EMDR Training, London, UK, EMDR Extra; trainer: Dr. Manda Holmshaw (UKCP)

2017: TRE® Certification Program, www.traumaprevention.com

2014: Master’s Program in Clinical Psychology, University of Pitești, School of Educational Sciences, Social Sciences, and Psychology

2014: Training program in integrative psychotherapy at the Romanian Association for Integrative Psychotherapy (ARPI, Asociația Română de Psihoterapie Integrativă), accredited by the European Association for Integrative Psychotherapy (EAIP, www.euroaip.eu) and member of the European Association of Psychotherapy (EAP, www.europsyche.org)

2011: Graduate degree in psychology, University of Bucharest, School of Psychology and Educational Sciences

Specialization Workshops:

2019: “Singing Over the Bones”, Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Colorado, USA

2018: Specialization in somatic relational psychotherapy, Berlin, www.thelivingbody.de; trainer: Julianne Appel-Opper (UKCP – United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy, EAGT – European Association for Gestalt Therapy)

2017: TRE® Certification Program, www.traumaprevention.com, www.treforlife.com; trainer: Fiona Leibowitz, M.A., David Berceli, Ph.D., Riccardo Cassiani Ingoni

2015: Specialization in child and adolescent psychotherapy, United Kingdom, the European Centre for Psychotherapy Studies (EUROCPS); trainers: Ken Evans, Ph.D. (UKCP, EAGT, ECIP, ECP – European Certificate of Psychotherapy) and Joanna Hewitt-Evans, M.A. (UKCP, EAGT, ECIP)

2014: Specialization in integrative psychotherapy, United Kingdom, the European Centre for Psychotherapy Studies; trainers: Ken Evans, Ph.D. (UKCP, EAGT, ECIP, ECP) and Joanna Hewitt-Evans, M.A. (UKCP, EAGT, ECIP)

2014: Supervision modules in integrative psychotherapy, France, the European Centre for Psychotherapy Studies (EUROCPS); trainers: Ken Evans, Ph.D. (UKCP, EAGT, ECIP, ECP) and Joanna Hewitt-Evans, M.A. (UKCP, EAGT, ECIP)

2014: Specialization in trauma therapy, Bucharest; trainers: Albert Zandvoort, Ph.D. (UKCP) and Michelle Zandvoort, Ph.D. (UKCP)


Member of the European Association of Integrative Psychotherapy EAIP 

1.⁠Coordinator of the Trainers Support Group:

Currently, I lead the Trainers Support Group, which brings together trainers from integrative schools across Europe. This role is about creating a sense of community among the trainers and about sharing best practices. Through regular meetings and discussions, we build strong bonds, support each other, and ensure that we are all aligned with the EAIP’s standards. This group is becoming a space for collaboration and mutual growth, helping trainers to feel connected within the larger EAIP community

2.⁠Member of the Membership Committee:

This role involves visiting schools across Europe, helping them through the accreditation process, and ensuring they meet the standards required for EAIP recognition. Additionally, in the committee we assist individual psychotherapists who wish to obtain EAIP membership, guiding them through the necessary steps.

3.⁠Working Group for Training for Trainers:

I am also part of the Working Group dedicated to developing and refining training standards for training programmes for future trainers. Our goal is to ensure that those who educate psychotherapists are equipped with the best practices and knowledge, keeping their training aligned with the EAIP’s standards.

4.⁠Organizing Committee for the 2025 EAIP Conference in Ireland:

I will be part of the Organizing Committee for the upcoming 2025 EAIP Conference in Ireland. This role allows me to contribute to creating a platform for knowledge exchange and professional development for integrative psychotherapists across Europe.

5.⁠Lead Organizer for the 8th Biennial EAIP Conference in 2015 Bucharest:

I was  the lead organizer for the 8th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Integrative Psychotherapy, titled “Curiosity, Authenticity, and Generosity” held in Bucharest, Romania, in May 29-31, 2015. This event required extensive planning, from logistics to content curation in order to promote integrative psychotherapy both in Romania and across Europe and to also build a strong sense of community withing the EAIP.

6.⁠Organizing Committee for the Georgia Conference:

I was also a member of the Organizing Committee for the EAIP Conference in Georgia and I was responsible for providing council and attenting the committee meetings to ensure the success of the event.

7.⁠Working Group for Integrative Psychotherapist Competencies:

In this working group we focused on defining the core competencies for integrative psychotherapists. This work was crucial in establishing the standards that guide us us integrative psychoterapists to ensure that practitioners are well-prepared for the demands of the profession.

8.⁠Working Group for Guidelines for the Conversion Course in Integrative Psychotherapy:

I contributed to the development of guidelines for the Conversion Course in Integrative Psychotherapy. In this working group we ensured that the conversion courses meet the rigorous standards of the EAIP, providing a structured pathway for professionals transitioning into integrative psychotherapy.


Published writing:

Chiriac, C. (2020). “Perspective în conceptualizarea, evaluarea și terapia anxietății și depresiei.” (“Perspectives in conceptualizing, assessing, and treating anxiety and depression.”) In R. Vlad (ed.), Actualități în diagnosticul și tratamentul depresiei și anxietății. (Current Approaches in Diagnosing and Treating Depression and Anxiety.) Bucharest: Editura Universitară.

Chiriac, C. (2020). “Intervenții terapeutice în tratamentul anxietatii și al depresiei în psihoterapia integrativă.” (“Therapeutic Interventions in the Treatment of Anxiety and Depression in Integrative Psychotherapy”.) In M. Năstasă (ed.), Perspective moderne în intervenția psihologică. (Modern Perspectives in Psychologic Intervention.) Bucharest: Editura Universitară.

Research study: “Folosirea scalelor de evaluare ancorate comportamental în măsurarea competențelor-nucleu ale psihoterapeuților integrativi” (“Using Behaviorally-Anchored Assessment Scales in Measuring Core Competences of Integrative Psychotherapists), M. Chraif, Ph.D., C. Chiriac, M. Aniței, Ph.D., 2012

“Tehnica jocului de rol în optimizarea interacțiunii în grupuri de dezvoltare – un studiu-pilot” (“Role-Play Technique in Optimizing Interaction in Self-Development Groups: A Pilot Study”, M. Chraif, Ph.D., C. Chiriac, 2012

Presentations to conferences:

Bucharest, May 29-31, 2015, The 7th Conference of EAIP

Workshop: “Working with the Mythical in Psychotherapy”

Participation to the panel “The Future of Integrative Psychotherapy”

Workshop with Mihaela Chraif, Ph.D.: “Methods for Assessing Physiological Reactivity”

Attendance to conferences:

2015, May 29-31: International Conference of Integrative Psychotherapy, EAIP, Bucharest, Romania

2013, October 11-13: International Conference of Integrative Psychotherapy, EAIP, Ljubljana, Slovenia

2013, July 5-7: Euro-Asian Psychotherapy Congress, EAP, Moscow, Russia

2012, July 4-7: European Psychotherapy Congress, EAP, Valencia, Spain

2011, May 28-29: International Conference of Integrative Psychotherapy, Bucharest, Romania

2009, November, 6-8: International Conference of Integrative Psychotherapy, EAIP, Manchester, UK

2009, April 17-19: International Conference of Integrative Psychotherapy, EAIP, Bucharest, Romania


Member of the Romanian Psychologists’ College (Colegiul Psihologilor din România, CPR)

Member of the European Association for Integrative Psychotherapy (EAIP)

Member of the Romanian Federation of Integrative Psychotherapy FRPI